Scientific Association for Insurance, Financial, and Operational Risk Management
The public, scientific association, whose activities are being performed on a non-profit basis, intends to promote and advance the information of the financial and insurance industry and of its supervisory authorities, in the fields of mathematical finance resp. actuarial mathematics, and of insurance, financial and operational risk management. Risk management in these areas, which has to cope with both, the highly developed economic requirements and at the same time with the ever more advancing national and international supervisory standards, is a mathematical/methodical and also a software technological challenge. Accordingly, one of the Association's priorities is the information of its members, and partly also of the general public, about
- advanced methods of mathematical finance resp. of actuarial mathematics
- suitable stochastic resp. statistical models
- fast numerical algorithms resp. other simplified methods of problem solving
- modern methods of insurance, financial and operational risk management
- modern software technology in those areas
- reports on concrete systems realisations in practice, in particular if assigned or carried out by banks, financial service providers or insurance companies/pension funds
- all related aspects of the pertaining, existing resp. planned, national and international supervisory standards.
INFORM Homepage:
Information and Special offer
Articles of the Association (in German)