General Information
The Austrian Workshop on Asset Liability Management (ALM 2004) for Insurance Companies and Pension Funds is held from September 23 to 25, 2004. It is organised jointly by the following institutions:
- The Vienna University of Technology
- The Austrian Financial Market Authority
- The University of Applied Sciences BFI in Vienna
- The Actuarial Association of Austria
- The Scientific Association "Insurance, Financial, and Operational Risk Management"
- The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
During the last years the crises of the financial markets had a strong negative impact on the performance of insurance companies and pension funds. This and developments like the move towards IAS reporting and the new rules for regulatory capital standards of insurance companies, which are still under construction (Solvency II - a counterpart of the Basel II framework for banks), will foster the importance of ALM in insurance companies and pension funds, for single products as well as for the whole institution.
This workshop will be a unique event, offering an open interface between practitioners' problems in ALM for insurance companies and pension funds and the new developments, presented by leading experts from the academic, industrial and supervisory world.
The workshop consists of three parts, which can also be booked separately:
An introductory crash course on the workshop's topic (in German) for practitioners who are not yet experts in the field of ALM in insurance companies and pension funds (September 23), a practitioners' day (September 24), and a third day of cutting edge research (September 25). Each day, about half of the time is dedicated to ALM for single products and the other half to integrated ALM on the whole company level.
The workshop addresses practitioners from insurance companies and from pension funds, who are (or will be) involved in the ALM process within these institutions, as well as from the related consulting industry. The workshop will be also of interest to members of supervisory authorities and to researchers in the academic field, who deal with ALM topics, or more broadly Solvency II. Members of non-profit organisations (NPOs) and students can attend the workshop at reduced rates.
We will do our best to provide an attractive forum for both researchers and practitioners, thus creating a 'win-win-situation' for both sides.